Is a space for artistic research, experimentation and imagination. Set up by Bartels in an attempt to articulate and enclose the fringes in the scope of her artistic practice. To explore the absurd, bizarre, boring and (un)usual fascinations at a certain point in time. To dive into the potential of fragmentary bits an pieces, creating analogies between
concepts, questions and ideas. Blurring fiction and reality, where nothing is what it seems and vice versa.
Serious play or playful seriousness.
Schmilblique derived from Schmilblick
The Schmilblick is an imaginary object created by the French humorist Pierre Dac during the 1950s. It is absolutely useless, and can therefore be used for anything, being rigorously entire. Pierre Dac himself credits the brothers Jules and Raphaël Fauderche with its invention.
The word quickly became very popular in French language and was sometimes used as a synonym for thing or stuff, or something designating a strange or unknown object. Nowadays, this word is frequently used to refer to some limited help provided by someone to solve a difficult problem. The idiom is actually 'Faire avancer le schmilblick' (To make the schmilblick move/get ahead, literally). Also, advancing a subject.
Ouvroir | Faire avancer le schmilblick
is a space for artistic research, experimentation and imagination. To explore the absurd, bizarre, boring, the (un)usual. To dive into the potential of fragmentary bits an pieces, creating analogies between concepts, questions and ideas. Blurring fiction and reality, where nothing is what it seems and vice versa. Serious play or playful seriousness.
Set up by Karin Bartels in an attempt to articulate and enclose the fringes in the scope of her artistic practice.
Website in Process
Reglement appartementencomplex Merseloseweg
10 tot en met 60 te Venray
Artikel 9 • Raam- en vensterbankdecoratie
1. De raam- en vensterbankdecoratie dient te allen tijde representatief doch onopvallend te zijn.
2. Representativiteit en onopvallendheid van raam- en vensterbankdecoratie worden bereikt door balans, symmetrie en spiegeling.
3. Voor aanvaarding van zijn/haar appartement dient de bewoner een verklaring te ondertekenen waarin hij/zij verklaart dat hij/zij het adagium ‘De mooiste symmetrie is asymmetrie’ verwerpelijk acht.
4. Een symmetrische indeling van raam en vensterbank brengt rust en balans. Spiegel in het geval van de vensterbankdecoratie alles aan elkaar of zet één object in het midden en doe aan weerszijden hetzelfde.
5. Met gordijnen is het bereiken van absolute balans en symmetrie onmogelijk. Het gebruik van jaloezieën geniet daarom te allen tijde de voorkeur. Een andere optie is af te zien van raamdecoratie.
6. Heeft het appartement twee ramen naast elkaar in één ruimte dan is het stringente advies bij beide ramen dezelfde raam- en vensterbankdecoratie toe te passen.
7. Ter bevordering van de balans, symmetrie en spiegeling heeft de Dienst Balans, Symmetrie en Spiegeling van elke vensterbank en van elk horizontaal raamkozijn het middelpunt bepaald.
8. De Dienst Balans, Symmetrie & Spiegeling heeft het middelpunt van elke vensterbank en elk horizontaal raamkozijn gemarkeerd door een roze punt met een doorsnede van 1 millimeter.
9. De Dienst Balans, Symmetrie & Spiegeling voert jaarlijks in elk appartement een controle uit van de raam- en vensterbankdecoratie.
10. De Dienst Balans, Symmetrie & Spiegeling looft jaarlijks een prijs uit voor de meest symmetrische en best in balans zijnde raam- en vensterbankdecoratie. De prijs bestaat uit twee zilvergrijze neo-classicistische vazen.
11 De Dienst Balans, Symmetrie & Spiegeling is te allen tijde bereid u van nuttige adviezen te voorzien ter bevordering van de balans en symmetrie.
12. In gevallen waarin dit artikel van het Reglement niet voorziet, is het oordeel voorbehouden aan de Toezichthouder Balans, Symmetrie & Spiegeling.
In English
Regulations apartment complex Merseloseweg
10 to 60 in Venray
Article 9 • Window and windowsill decoration
1. The window and window sill decorations must at all times be representative but unobtrusive.
2. Representativeness and unobtrusiveness of window and window sill decorations are achieved through balance, symmetry and mirroring.
3. For acceptance of his / her apartment, the resident must sign a statement in which he / she declares that he / she considers the adage "The most beautiful symmetry is asymmetry" to be objectionable.
4. A symmetrical layout of window and window sill brings peace and balance. In the case of the windowsill decoration, mirror everything together or place one object in the middle and do the same on both sides.
5. With curtains it is impossible to achieve absolute balance and symmetry. The use of blinds is therefore always preferred. Another option is to refrain from window decoration.
6. If the apartment has two windows next to each other in one room, the strict advice is to use the same window and window sill decoration on both windows.
7. In order to promote balance, symmetry and mirroring, the Balance, Symmetry and Mirroring Service has determined the center of every window sill and of each horizontal window frame.
8. The Balance, Symmetry & Mirroring Service has the center of each window sill and each horizontal window frame marked by a pink dot with a diameter of 1 millimeter.
9. The Balance, Symmetry & Mirror Service performs an annual check of the window and window sill decorations in each apartment.
10. The Balance, Symmetry & Mirror Service annually awards a prize for the most symmetrical and best-balanced window and window sill decoration. The prize consists of two silver-gray neo-classical vases.
11 The Balance, Symmetry & Mirroring Service is always prepared to provide you with useful advice to promote balance and symmetry.
12. In cases not provided for in this article of the Regulations, the judgment is reserved for the Supervisor Balance, Symmetry & Mirror.
Artikel 9 • Raam- en vensterbankdecoratie, work in collaboration with writer Wim Moorman, Cultura Venray, Venray (NL)